All Done!

And we’re done!  First draft of Alex Verus #11, aka Forged, is written, edited, and sent off to the publisher.  

Oddly enough, this is the last time I’ll ever be in this position.  I’ve finished lots of Alex Verus books, but this is the very last time that I’ll be finishing an Alex Verus book as opposed to the Alex Verus series.  The next time that I type out the last words of the last chapter, it’ll mean that the series is over.  

But that’s something to think about another day.  Over the next few months I’ll do the primary edits on Forged, then lead up to beginning work on Alex Verus #12.  But right now, I’m taking a break.  Next few weeks will be Ask Lunas, and then we’ll be into Christmas and the New Year.  

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6 Responses to All Done!

  1. Ben says:

    Congratulations! Looking forward to reading it next year

  2. Time123 says:

    I love your work. The day fallen came out I took the day off work and read it. Thank you for your writing.

  3. Deborah says:

    Bravo. I, and I bet a lot of others cannot wait!

  4. Danielle says:

    It feels a little bittersweet. I’m super excited for the next book and a little sad knowing that it’s almost over. I won’t think about that right now though. Congrats! I’m excited for more Ask Luna!

  5. Michael A. says:

    Outstanding. One can not wait to read the next book.

  6. Marti R says:

    I can’t wait until Fallen comes out next year. I love the series and #10 did make me sad but in the end, I was happy how it ended. Fantastic writing and love the little bits of humor snuck in. Keep up the great work and keeping us entertained with magic!

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