Reddit AMA – Finishing Up

My Reddit AMA is almost done!  Thanks to everyone who came, this year’s one was the busiest ever by a long way.  I’ve still got a bunch more questions on there to answer so I’ll keep it up for a few more hours, then start wrapping up around noon.  

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2 Responses to Reddit AMA – Finishing Up

  1. James says:

    Thanks for doing it 🙂 having fun reading all the questions and answers 🙂

  2. Анатолий says:

    Finishing up my third year on recruiting soon, have a lot of open time now. Feel free to ask anything in regards to enlisting, recruiting as an SDA, or whatever. About a dozen years of experience under my belt. Two or three. One was a great friend of mine until that all went down. Throwing away a career with five deployments under your belt and a damn good set up for the future just to end up with an other than honorable discharge and no benefits.

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