Merry Christmas to everyone! I know 2020 hasn’t been the best year for a lot of you, but hopefully things will get better.
Alex Verus #12, otherwise known as Risen, is very close to done. I finished the last chapter and wrote ‘THE END’ a couple of days ago. Just need to do the epilogue and give it one last edit.
Merry Christmas!!! Congrats on finishing the book!
Merry Christmas! It will a bitter sweet to come to the end of a series I so enjoy.
Congrats! And Happy Christmas!
That makes me both happy and sad. Happy Christmas!
Yes!!! I’m already missing the series. I love it so so much. I discovered it just two weeks ago and it’s the best one I’ve read for a long time. It’ll surely take some time to replace it. Your characters develop so nicely and all those plot twists you tricked me in… amazing. Actually, it feels like I’m knowing them for a long time. It’ll be hard to leave my new best friends behind.
Have a happy new year!