
This is the download page for my novella Favours.  To purchase it, click on the blue button at the bottom of the page.  If you’d like to know more about the novella, keep reading!

  • Length:  20,000 words
  • Format:  EPUB & MOBI
  • Price:  $2.99
  • Viewpoint Character:  Sonder
  • Other Featured Characters:  Caldera, Rain, Anne, Barrayar


Favours is a novella set in the Alex Verus universe that takes place in between Alex Verus #6, Veiled, and Alex Verus #7, Burned, told from the perspective of the time mage Sonder.  Returning to London after his year-long assignment to Washington D.C., Sonder is called into Keeper HQ to work with Caldera on an investigation.  What looks at first like a simple burglary quickly turns into something much more difficult and dangerous, forcing Sonder to choose where his loyalties lie.


Favours is the first novella I ever wrote – it was a story written from the perspective of the time mage Sonder back in 2021.  I made it available on June 18th of the same year.

I used Favours as a way of gauging interest for the idea of short stories and novellas in general.  Here’s what I wrote back in June 2021:

“I’m going to leave Favours online for six months or so and see what kind of reaction it gets.  If sales are good, I’ve got ideas for a half-dozen other short stories and novellas in the Alex Verus setting – I’ve drafted out a story featuring Variam and Landis, another involving Alex and Anne, and a third following some of Richard’s cabal.  I could write them all quite easily, and I was thinking of putting up a poll to see which other characters people are most interested in.  If I kept it up long enough, I could even turn the stories into a collected book down the line, with a paper and audio edition.

However, it’s entirely possible that most of my readers aren’t especially interested in Alex Verus side stories, especially ones that don’t star Alex himself.  In which case Favours is probably going to be the only one I write.  If so, that’s fine too – I’ll just focus on my new series instead.  We’ll just have to see!”

As it turns out, sales were pretty good!  Favours was the first Alex Verus novella, but not the last.  If you’d like to purchase Favours, click on the blue button below.

The novella can be downloaded in .epub format, .mobi format, or both.

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