Category Archives: News

An Instruction in Shadow – Signed First Editions

We’re now a bit under three months away from the release of An Instruction in Shadow, the sequel to An Inheritance of Magic.  Which means it’s time for me to sign some copies! Just as with An Inheritance of Magic, … Continue reading

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An Instruction in Shadow – UK cover reveal

The UK cover for Inheritance of Magic #2, An Instruction in Shadow, is out!  Here it is: UK release date is unchanged:  15 October 2024.

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Midsummer Update

We’re about halfway through July, so here’s a quick update on how things are going! Inheritance of Magic #3 is now up to 75,000 words and pretty close to its end.  I’m currently expecting the full manuscript to come in … Continue reading

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Risen hits the Spiegel bestseller list

As some of you may remember, Alex Verus #12 (Risen in the UK, Der Retter von London in its translated version) was just released in Germany.  And it seems as though it’s done very well, as it’s debuted at Number … Continue reading

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DragonCon Online Interview

Inheritance of Magic 3 is coming along, and up to 70,000 words.  Still aiming to be done by the end of the summer. In the meantime, I did an online interview with Carol Malcom, from DragonCon’s Urban Fantasy track.  You … Continue reading

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Risen in Germany, and DragonCon Interview

Several bits of news for this week! First, as you may have already guessed from the image, the twelfth and final Alex Verus book is at last being released in its German translation this coming week (Monday 17th June for … Continue reading

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Spring into Summer

Quick update on how things are going: • First draft of Inheritance of Magic #3 is now 2/3rds finished.  I’m hoping to finish the last 1/3rd with about another 2 months of work, meaning that it’ll be done by the … Continue reading

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Book #3 of the Inheritance of Magic series has reached its halfway mark.  Judging whether a book’s half done always involves a bit of guesswork since I’m never quite sure how long it’s going to be or how much time … Continue reading

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Alex Verus in Germany – End of the Series

Well, it’s been a long time coming, but we’re only a couple of months away from the German release of Alex Verus #12!  It’ll be released in Germany in audio format on June 17th, and in paper/ebook format on June … Continue reading

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Inheritance of Magic – Six Month Mark

We’ve almost finished with the Five Limits in the Beginner’s Guide to Drucraft series – the fifth and final article will be on the Limit of Operation.  That’s all written and ready to go (and will be coming out next … Continue reading

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