Category Archives: A Beginner’s Guide to Drucraft

This is a series of worldbuilding articles about the setting of my new series, An Inheritance of Magic.

A Beginner’s Guide to Drucraft #21:  Sigl Creation (Tracing)

Tracing means creating a sigl with the aid of a limiter.  It was a niche and rarely-used technique through most of human history, but advances made in the 19th and 20th centuries caused its popularity to soar.  Nowadays, the vast … Continue reading

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A Beginner’s Guide to Drucraft #20: Sigl Creation (Manifesting)

Sigls are created through the third of the drucraft disciplines – shaping.  Shaping is the art of manipulating free essentia (typically, though not always, in a Well) and causing it to crystallise into a piece of solid essentia, otherwise known … Continue reading

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A Beginner’s Guide to Drucraft #19:  The Lesser Houses

An overview of some of the more notable Lesser Houses of the UK.  Due to how many Lesser Houses there are in the UK (they currently number over thirty) this list is deliberately incomplete. Ashford A relatively new player on … Continue reading

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A Beginner’s Guide to Drucraft #18:  The Great Houses 

An overview of the current Great Houses of the UK. Barrett-Lennard House Barrett-Lennard is the only House in the UK to own title to an S+ Well, which is located in their family estate in Colchester, Essex.  It is the … Continue reading

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A Beginner’s Guide to Drucraft #17:  Houses of the UK

Houses in the United Kingdom are divided into three categories:  Great, Lesser, and minor.  Great Houses are those which possess a Well of class S or S+, Lesser Houses are those which possess a Well of class A+, and all … Continue reading

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A Beginner’s Guide to Drucraft #16:  Limit of Operation

A sigl won’t work without a bearer.  The least-studied of the Five Limits, the Limit of Operation is often treated as more of an afterthought.  For the most part this is a reflection of the attitudes of drucrafters – drucrafters … Continue reading

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A Beginner’s Guide to Drucraft #15:  Limit of Creation

You can’t change a sigl after it’s made.  The Limit of Creation states that sigls can not be modified or redesigned.  Once they’re created, that’s it – if you want them to do something different, you have to get a … Continue reading

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A Beginner’s Guide to Drucraft #14: Blood Limit

You can’t use someone else’s sigl.  More than any of the other four, the Blood Limit shapes the drucraft economy.  It is the primary reason that sigls are so expensive. Just like the gemstones they resemble, sigls can last a … Continue reading

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A Beginner’s Guide to Drucraft #13: Primal Limit

You can’t use drucraft without a sigl. If Euler’s Limit covers the creation of sigls, the Primal Limit covers why sigls are important.  Simply put, no sigls means no drucraft. New drucrafters generally find the Primal Limit the most confusing … Continue reading

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A Beginner’s Guide to Drucraft #12: Euler’s Limit

Sigls can only be created from essentia. The first of the Five Limits, Euler’s (pronounced “oilers”) Limit is also the most obviously important one.  Sigls can only be created from essentia, and this essentia can only be found in sufficient … Continue reading

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