Jim Butcher/Benedict Jacka email exchange!

An email exchange between me and Jim Butcher is now online at the Barnes and Noble website!  (I’ve been itching to post about this for weeks but I’ve held off until B&N published it.)  In it Jim Butcher talks about the world-building of the Dresden Files,  the makeup of Harry Dresden, and even a few hints for what’s going to be coming next in the series.  (Oh, and I talk about Fated too.)

I got introduced to the Dresden Files many years ago, back when they weren’t particularly well-known in the UK – actually, the girl who put me on to them was an American gaming friend.  I absolutely loved them and I’ve been reading every one of them ever since.  I was already happy when I found out that my American editor, Anne Sowards, was also the editor for Jim Butcher – getting to chat with Jim properly was amazing!  Many thanks to Jim for taking the time to do it and for being so kind, and also to the people at Ace for arranging it!

On top of that, as a part of the same article Paul Allen has reviewed Fated with the tagline “Benedict Jacka Is The Next Coming of Jim Butcher!”.  Which given how much I love Jim Butcher’s work is one of the best compliments I could get, but really makes me feel self-conscious.

Fans of Butcher’s Dresden Files – and fans of paranormal fantasy in general – will find Jacka’s fusion of contemporary fantasy and mythic fiction simply irresistible . . . The hype behind this release is more than justified – an exceptionally entertaining read and an impressive start to what should be a wildly successful series. 

It’s been a pretty good week!

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3 Responses to Jim Butcher/Benedict Jacka email exchange!

  1. Meddie says:

    Hi, The B&N post is how I found your book. I adore all things Harry Dresden so I had to read it. The comparison to Jim Butcher got my interest but also made me raise an eye brow. For me that was setting the bar very high. I bought Fated that very moment. Once I downloaded it to my Kindle, I could not stop reading. I was hooked! Alex is a great character that I was quickly rooting for. Luna won my heart and I wish I could meet Starbreeze. In me you have an official fan that will be following Alex as closely as I do my beloved Harry. Thank you so much for bringing another joy to us book addicts!

    Your Reader,

  2. Benedict says:

    Great! Glad you enjoyed the book so much – hope you like the next one too!

  3. Sam Giesen says:

    Hi, looking forward to Burned…The above link to the Jim Butcher email exchange is broken and can’t find it on the B&N website now. Please would you post it here?

    A reader
    Sam G

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