An Instruction in Shadow – US Cover Reveal

A break from worldbuilding articles this week, since I can finally show you all the US cover of Inheritance of Magic #2!

Looks pretty nice, I think!Β  Planned US & Canada release date is October 15 2024.

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8 Responses to An Instruction in Shadow – US Cover Reveal

  1. Bill says:

    Very nice cover, can’t wait until I can have the real thing (October still seems to be a loooong way off)!
    The Ashford Coat of Arms is good to see again (I wonder if there is an Oakwood one?) and the Crow too And do I see two cats on it? Maybe Hobbs now has found a friend?

  2. Celia says:

    Gorgeous cover!!! I think I love it even more than the last one. It looks to be the same cat, so I am assuming there are two for symmetry of the design. Though it would be cool if Hobbes got a kitty friend. πŸ™‚

    • Bill says:

      Oh dear, I have only ‘read’ the audio-book, so I’ve been calling Hobbes “Hobbs”. Looking forward to the paperback so that I can start correcting my spellings!
      I have also been calling Lucilla as Luzilla but for other reasons

      • Celia says:

        Yeah, if you listen to the audiobook, you learn the correct pronunciations, but not the spellings. If you only read the ebook, you learn the correct spellings, but not the correct pronunciations. Bit of a dilemma. Which I resolve by buying both for books I love. πŸ˜‰ Also lets me finish a book very quickly, as I can switch to the audiobook for my commute, and then back to the ebook. And if you buy an ebook first, you can often get the related audiobook for $7.49.

        Oh, it’s Lucella btw. πŸ™‚ Though Luzilla does seem more accurate. And Bridget, Tobias, and Calhoun.

        • Bill says:

          Thank you kindly Celia, I will attempt to remember the names correctly! I will also get the paperback whenever it becomes available in the UK (Any estimates/guesses Mr. Jacka?).
          Now waiting until Friday for the Blood Limits and to see if Stephen’s half-brother/sister’s sigils might just be usable by him…

        • Bill says:

          Sorry Celia, rereading that comment it sounded sarcastic and really wasn’t meant to be. Knowing what the correct names really are, is a boon and I appreciate not looking so much of a pillock when I quote them (phonetically). Thanks!!

  3. Jim Sackman says:

    An Instruction in Shadow is available as a pre-order on Audible FYI (at least in the US).

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