The previous article in this series discussed how permanent Wells can be used as a way to ‘recycle’ sigls; by returning the essentia within a sigl to the same or a compatible Well, the Well can eventually be used as a kind of reprocessing tool to turn one sigl into another. This, however, is a slow and delicate process that requires a permanent Well, not to mention a significant amount of skill and patience. So what if you don’t have a permanent Well, or the expertise to use it?
This was the position that the drucraft corporations of the UK found themselves in when they tried to move into the sigl recycling business. Their solution was that if they couldn’t use existing Wells, they’d make their own.
Well Substitution
The idea of creating an artificial Well is not new; given how valuable sigls are, the idea of producing A- and S-rank Wells on demand is of course one that drucrafters found enormously appealing. Historical attempts to do this, however, mostly ended in disappointment. Although drucraft researchers successfully pioneered ways to create artificial Wells with reasonably high success rates, they eventually were forced to realise that, in doing so, they were spending more resources than it would have cost them to use ones that existed already. While their artificial Wells mimicked the retaining effect of natural ones, it was much harder to get them to fill.
However, once the Golden Age of drucraft research was underway and the demand for sigls continued to rise, some enterprising drucrafters realised that if all you wanted to do was recycle a sigl, an artificial Well that only retained essentia would work just fine. From these early experiments came what are now referred to as ‘shaping chambers’.
Shaping Chambers
A shaping chamber is to a natural Well what a man-made reservoir is to a lake or a pond. Since they’re typically built at locations convenient to the corporation in question, rather than in accordance with the flows of essentia across the land, they don’t fill naturally. However, if you’re only planning to use a shaping chamber for recycling (which is generally all drucraft corporations use them for anyway) this isn’t a problem; in fact, it’s an advantage, since it creates the equivalent of a ‘sterile environment’ with minimal cross-contamination.
Shaping chambers are, as the name suggests, usually built in the form of rooms. The size depends on the chamber’s intended capacity. A shaping chamber only intended to create D-class or D+ sigls might be the size of a living room, while one intended to create A- or S-rank sigls would be the size of a factory floor. The edges of the chamber incorporate trace amounts of low-grade aurum, and the overall architecture is designed so as to draw essentia inwards to the centre.
Return on Investment
Even more so than in the rest of the drucraft world, shaping chambers are built for entirely economic reasons: they exist to make their owner money, and nothing more. Shaping chambers are thus rated on their ‘Three Cs’: capacity (how large a sigl they can make), CP (conversion percentage, which measures how much of the input aurum is converted into a sigl as opposed to being lost in the recycling process), and cost (how expensive the shaping chamber is to build and maintain). Higher capacity and higher CP means higher cost. Shaping chambers are usually viewed as long-term investments expected to lose money over their first few years of operation but make it back thereafter.
Shaping chambers are relatively inefficient. Even the best ones have a lower conversion percentage than a Well recycling a compatible sigl, and a much lower CP than a Well recycling a sigl made at that same Well. And in practice, most corporations do not use ‘the best’ – high-grade shaping chambers are expensive, and this expense can only be justified if the corporation in question expects to use the chamber many, many times. Since the bottleneck in sigl production is (as always) the supply of essentia, this means shaping chambers sit idle much of the time. As a result, many corporations choose to economise on their shaping chambers, accepting a lower CP in exchange for a lower up-front cost. Smaller drucraft corporations are likely to just avoid the whole business entirely and sell off their recycled sigls instead.
The main benefit to shaping chambers is how indiscriminate they are. Someone hoping to use a recycled sigl to refill a permanent Well has to spend a significant amount of time matching the right Well to the right sigl, and even more time monitoring the Well to make sure the essentia is harmonising. Shaping chambers, on the other hand, will accept basically any sigl or piece or aurum, no matter its origin. The efficiency on the conversion may not be very good, but you’ll always get something.