Taken Covers & Extract

Here are the UK and US covers for Taken, as well as the first chapter!


And US:

And you can now read the full first chapter of Taken in the Extracts section.

There’s more news (and so far it looks good), but I’m going to hold off on posting it until I know for sure.  🙂

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3 Responses to Taken Covers & Extract

  1. Betty says:

    The first chapter is amazing. But how am I supposed to be without Taken till September?! That is… more than a month.

  2. I finished Fated on Sunday, bought Cursed on Monday and now it’s Thursday and I’ll have to wait far too long for a copy of Taken. You and Kevin Hearne should get together – Alex and Atticus (both shop owners) would make an interesting combo for a short story – just an idea …

  3. Benedict says:

    It’s the problem with books in general – you’re always going to read them faster than I can write them. 🙂

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