
And done.  The first draft of Alex Verus #9 is finally finished.  

This book has taken longer than any previous one in the series.  Usually I expect to take around 10 months to write an Alex Verus book – 3-4 months planning and 6-7 writing.  This one has taken 5 months planning, and 10 writing, i.e. roughly half again as long as the last few.  I have a few different theories on why I’ve found it so difficult to make progress, but whatever the reason, it’s been pretty frustrating.  

Still, it’s done, and at least the quality’s good.  I’ll be giving the manuscript an edit over the next few days, then it’ll go off to my publishers and the publication process will start.  You’ll have the book at some point next year (though I don’t know exactly when).  For now, I’m going to take a break and figure out what to do next!

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8 Responses to Marathon

  1. Benedict,

    Thanks so much for the update. You are currently one of my very favorite authors – right up there with Brandon Sanderson and Jim Butcher and I’m already looking forward to find out what happens to Alex and the crew after the events of Bound. My only disappointment is that I have to wait another year to get a peek at what is going to happen.

    Today is my 65th birthday and your post is a very welcome gift. Thanks so much for sharing your stories with us. I’m familiar with the difficulties that writers encounter as my wife is a author as well. While she has only published one book to date, she has struggled with several others that have taken far longer than she expected.

    Again, thanks for the update!

  2. Annie says:

    Awesome! I recently stumbled upon this series and am flying through the books. My brothers and husband are also reading them now. Thanks for the great heros, fun plots and interesting villains. I hope you continue to write these books for years to come.

  3. Hilary Ham says:

    Hi Benedict, Thank You so much for this series. I love it. I listen mainly on Audible (with my daily 3 hour commute), so I have to wait even longer after the book comes out. I know you so deserve a break, but if your asking I vote “keep writing” 🙂 Already can’t wait for #10

  4. Anita says:

    So excited! I just found the series on Audible and have been blowing through it a book a day. Starting on book 5 today. I might have to slow down a bit so I don’t have to wait too long for the next installment.

    I love your sense of humor and timing. You keep the stories moving and engaging with just the right amount of intrigue and action. (Any more and I’d need meds.) Love the snarky Alex. How much is he like you?

    REST! 🙂

  5. Samuel says:

    Hi Benedict,

    That’s good to hear! I’m currently reading the finale of Bound and I thought I’d take a little breather to find out about the next installment. I love the world you’ve built, even Arachne, although I really don’t like spiders!
    I won’t write more as I don’t want to spoiler other people reading this who might not have read the most recent books.
    Thank you for creating Alex and his world.


  6. Tara says:

    Thanks for the update and good luck with your much earned break from writing! Can’t wait for #9!

  7. Ines Coyle says:

    Just finished with Bound and can’t wait for book 9. Will book 9 be the last in this series? If not, how long do you expect the series to be?

  8. Stephanie says:

    I finished Bound just this morning, and cannot wait for book 9. OMG Alex now has the position of power, can he think calmly and rationally and get rid of his enemies? And what about Ann? I’m really worried about her! I hope the series continues!

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