Alex Verus #7 in Germany

My author copies of the German edition of Alex Verus #7 finally arrived today.ย  A little late (the book was released late last year), but I thought I’d share a picture anyway just as a reminder that while the English editions of the Alex Verus series might be completed, the German ones are still coming out at regular intervals!

My German publisher’s current plan is to keep bringing them out every six months, so you can expect books #8 and #9 this year, books #10 and #11 in 2023, and the final volume in #2024.

For my part, I’m still working away on the last couple of chapters of the new book.ย  I’m pretty sick at the moment, which is slowing me down, but I really want to finish it by the end of the month if at all possible.

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7 Responses to Alex Verus #7 in Germany

  1. Celia says:

    Congrats on the German release. So sorry you are sick!!!
    Hope you feel better soon! Maybe try to get sone rest? ๐Ÿ™‚

  2. Celia says:

    Does that translate to The Murderers of London?!? Seriously ominous. ๐Ÿ™‚

  3. Alicia W. says:

    Oh, no! I hope you feel better soon!

  4. Silke says:

    I’ve always wondered if the series hit the German market well enough. I’ve never heard anyone talk about it. Well Harry Dresden isn’t discussed much either… . So, out of curiosity, I was just checking the German Amazon reviews. It very much confirmed my point to never read a translated book. Quite a few people complain about the translation. Btw why does the title translate to the killers of London? I don’t get it.
    Well never mind, there seems to be a solid fanbase as well. So congrats Benedict โ˜บ๏ธ

  5. Kathrin says:

    I’m German living in Germany but always prefered the UK version/English original. It’s not that the German translation is bad – on the contrary, it’s a very good one compared to other translation of various fantasy books I read in both languages! – but the feel is more authentic in the original for me PLUS I get to read them earlier (which is a HUGE advantage when I want to continue reading xD). I still buy the German version later as well, because I can, want to support the series on the German market and lend the book to my friends who can’t read English or prefer German to English versions for reason of better understanding it. I think the covers are pretty great too, whoever created them did an awesome job!
    Very excited for the new series, but take care and get well soon!

  6. Christiane says:

    I got hooked on the series with the first German books, but then switched to English to be able to continue reading ๐Ÿ˜‰
    But agree, the German books are well done!
    Looking forward to the new series though!

  7. Lia says:

    I discovered the series this year in my local library in Berlin while browsing for books one day that would help improve my German (Iโ€™m Canadian). Iโ€™d never heard of the books, just picked them off the shelf. Well, of course, I tore through the seven in-German books in my library and then bought all the rest in English and read them all. I really look forward to reading them all again.
    I find the tone of the German slightly more formal, but still quite well-written.
    Youโ€™re a wonderful writer, thanks for all the wonderful hours of enjoyment and insight!

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