Inheritance Plans – Going Forward

An Inheritance of Magic is now out and gathering reviews.  With the AMA and most of my interviews and publicity done, things are going to start winding down now, so here’s what you can expect for the rest of the year!

First on my to-do list is the first-round edits for Book 2 in the Inheritance of Magic series, provisionally titled An Instruction in Shadow.  I heard back from my editors earlier in the month, and luckily they seem to really like the book as it is, meaning that the edits to be done are all very minor.  I should be able to get them done in only two or three weeks, after which I’ll be free to start work on Book 3 (I’m hoping to get properly started on that before the end of the year).  Ideally I’d like to finish Book 3 by summer of next year so that it can be published around the autumn of 2025.

As for the blog, my original plans were to write a bunch more of the “Beginner’s Guide to Drucraft” worldbuilding articles by September.  Personal events have put me behind track on that one, but I’m still intending to do it, so hopefully that’ll fill up most of my blog content for November and early December.

Finally, there’s the big question of how Inheritance of Magic is doing.  I’ve been watching the numbers over the past few weeks, and I’m happy to say that so far, it seems to be doing pretty well!  Goodreads ratings are hovering around 4.3 and according to my UK editor, early sales are great.  It’s always tricky to launch a new series when you’re mainly known for another one, but for now it seems that Inheritance is off to a good start.  Now the wait begins – in the long term, the success or failure of the series will depend on how widely it spreads and attracts interest over the next few years.  Right now, there’s no way to predict how that will turn out, but for the moment, things look good.

And that’s it for the moment.  I’m going to be away for much of November, but I’ll try to get a few more Beginner’s Guide to Drucraft pieces done and set them to upload automatically while I’m gone.

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8 Responses to Inheritance Plans – Going Forward

  1. Celia says:

    I’m glad early sales are going well. Great title too. And have a good trip! 🙂

  2. GregorV says:

    I havenow read the book and I am very impressed by it, and indeed glad that the sales are going well. Though I don’t really think the book is about magic at all. It’s more like a thinly veiled philosophical treaty.

    Oh, and I am glad you brought back Levistus, Vihaela and Lyle. I do hope they die much more spectacularly in this series, however. Get tortured to death one by one, preferably. Though maybe not Lyle, he’s too pathetic even for an on-screen death

  3. Curious says:

    Who was Vihaela? I get Lyle and levistus, but who are your saying is Vilhaela?

  4. Kari Richards says:

    *you not your

  5. GregorV says:

    The L-girl. If Vihaela joined the Council and had to invent reasons for torturing people apart from “it’s fun!”, that would be her.

  6. Nick says:

    Very pleased that the series is going well. I certainly enjoyed the book and gave it very good rating on the various sites but I’m not sure about how the process works for promoting it country and world-wide? I do have to say that the thought of a year’s wait between books does seem long and I really, really want to know what happens next and I want that NOW!!
    Looking forward to DruCraft auto-updates in November, and thanks for starting on such an engaging series!

  7. Nick says:

    PS: I notice from one of your recent interviews that there are illustrations for some of the major characters from the Alex Verus books. Does (or will) there be similar illustrations for the Oakwood series? It would be great to have your take on the characters before mine get far to ingrained in my brain from the audio-books…

  8. Aidan says:

    Not since The Sopranos ended has a void been left in my life like the ending of the Alex Versus series. I was a late starter to that series so didn’t have to wait long for all of the books to be released. Having read Inheritance in 2 nights I’m not sure how I am going to manage the wait for the future episodes. I love the way the series has started the series and slightly gutted that it read so short. Interesting inclusion of religious character in the book, I mean miracles or magic, what’s the difference.

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