Chapter 1 of the second book in the Inheritance of Magic series, An Instruction in Shadow, is now online! You can read it here. Full release will be two months from now, on October 15.
I really do need to tidy up this website and give the Inheritance series a proper section with an index. But right now all my attention is on finishing Book 3, so that comes first. I’ll deal with the website once that’s done.
Well that was uh… an interesting first meeting hopefully they will meet in Chapter 2 so we can learn more about her she is the last major Ashford we haven’t met yet and it will be fascinating to see what her relationship with Charles and Stephen is like.
Just two quick questions, did Helen Ashford give Stephen the card she wrote down? It was a bit unclear if she wrote it for him or for herself.
And did she know that it was Stephen’s birthday but was too shocked in the moment too mention it? Asking for Stephen’s sake he needs a win!
Hum, So she is OK with meeting up, but only if it in secret from Charles and maybe others too. I wonder if she is aware that Stephen is on his own now (ie his dad has fled (?) too?)
Stephen isn’t having a good day (1) well lost (2) Beaten up (3) Mum evasive (4) Colin insisting on full disclosure…
Things can only get better — at least I hope there is some good news on his Birthday — perhaps?
Good luck with the last few pages of Book#3 – I’m sure that you could do with a relax after that (and maybe a holiday?) rather than sorting out the layout of your website.
Mind you a sort-out and index would be appreciated at some stage but no pressure!
Great start to the new book! Can’t wait for the audiobook, and the special edition from Broken Binding!
I’m sure this is the worst thing that will happen to him and everyone will be nice to him for the rest of the book. Haha, poor guy.
I can’t wait!