Well, it’s been a long time, but we’re finally almost there! Here’s the timeline for the coming week:
- October 15th: An Instruction in Shadow releases in the US & Canada in paper, ebook, and audio formats.
- October 17th: An Instruction in Shadow releases in UK and the rest of the world in paper, ebook, and audio formats.
- October 22nd, 12 noon GMT: Reddit AMA begins
- October 23rd, 12 noon GMT: Reddit AMA ends
I’ve also finally gotten around to updating the Inheritance of Magic section of this website with drop-down menus and pictures of the covers. The section’s now got links to all of the chapter extracts and the Beginner’s Guide to Drucraft series. I’ll try to come up with a nicer format for the Beginner’s Guide to Drucraft when I’ve got the time.
That should be 8 AM EST for the AMA. 🙂 7 AM Central.
There is some question as to whether GMT is 4 hours ahead of EST this time of year or 5. Soooo take the time translations above with a grain of salt. I have been informed that 12 noon GMT is 7 AM Eastern. I’ve always calculated UK time as 5 hours ahead of EST – but sites now are saying it is 4 hours ahead. Idk if this is a daylight savings issue or what – but I will say I now am unsure if it will be 7 am EST or 8 AM est. Sorry for the confusion.
So exciting! Looking forward to reading it!
Very excited! Currently re-reading the first book in preparation.
Going to be rereading the first book and then finally reading all of the Beginner Guide in preparation.
I have been looking forward to the book since I finished the first one. Can’t wait to see where you take the story. I remember the first Alex Verus book did not foreshadow all the things that occurred in the next 11 books. I loved them all. Thanks BJ.
You’ve said here that the UK ebook will be out on the 17th, but I’ve checked Amazon and it is still definitely saying that the Kindle version is due out on the 15th. Hoping the Amazon version is correct; I’m raring to go with this one!
Super excited for this release. Cannot wait to see where this series goes.
Hooray! My Kindle copy is with me (in the UK) so clearly the ebook is out in the UK today. Phew!