
Three big bits of news today!

Firstly, the ebook edition of Fated is on special offer at the Amazon UK Kindle Store.  It’s been picked for their ‘100 books under £2.99’ deal, and for all this month of July it’ll be on sale for only £1.49.  So if you know anyone who might be interested in getting into the series before Chosen comes out in September, now’s the time!

Second, Alex Verus #5 is finished!  (Last night, in fact, and no, it doesn’t have a title yet.)  Yes, I know, you guys haven’t read #4 (Chosen) yet, but that’s the way the publishing business works.  The important thing is that it’s done and delivered on schedule, meaning that it should be coming out in a year or so.  Next summer would be my guess, though don’t quote me on that.

And third, with the release of Chosen only a couple of months away, I’m going to be posting the first chapter in the Extracts section this Friday, so check back then for a first look at the next Alex Verus adventure!

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6 Responses to News!

  1. Looking forward to reading Chosen in a few months – do you have a release date yet for September?

  2. Release dates for Chosen are August 27th for US and September 5th for UK.

  3. Wonderful news 🙂 Have you ever been approached about tv rights to the books and would you permit them if so?

  4. Heh. That’d be nice, but no, it hasn’t happened!

  5. Nepene says:

    Neat, I purchased another copy because I can. Thanks for the awesome books.

  6. Pingback: Fated – by Benedict Jacka | Peter Dyke

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