Hidden Release Week

And it’s finally here!  Hidden will be out this coming Tuesday, September 2nd.  Here are the Amazon links for the UK release and for the US release.

Feels like a very long time ago now that I finished writing Hidden.  Right now I’m spending all my time on books #6 and #7, so the actual publication seems weirdly out of date.  I’ll link to reviews, etc when I have the time to collect them.

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6 Responses to Hidden Release Week

  1. Picking up mine on Tuesday. Thanking you ahead of time for hours of enjoyment. Very happy for you!

  2. Danielle D says:

    Got my copy early, need to do a review again. Need book 6 NOW!!!

  3. Pre-ordered already! Can’t wait!

  4. I got an email from Amazon that it is early! Missed you at 9 worlds as only did Saturday.

  5. Dave K says:

    Hidden was an awesome story. Can hardly wait for the next novel!

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