Hidden is out as of today! Which means everyone finally gets to catch up to where the story of the Alex Verus series was as of, oh, about a year ago. You can get it from Amazon here if you’re in the US and here if you’re in the UK.
Fated is also finally getting its UK audio release! You can listen to a clip here.
It’s nice to see Hidden out at last – it had an unusually long road to publication, and the rewrites were a headache. Still, they were most definitely worth it, and the book’s a far better one now than it was in its first draft. I’m glad to see it finally released into the wild.
Now, back to the edits for Alex Verus #6 . . .
Happy Release Day! Fantastic book!
Got my copy! 🙂
Loved it ,loved the analogy of a school to a prison! Fire up your kindle and order ASAP!
Got it yesterday, finished it this morning. Loved it! Especially the scene where you know who shows up, he’s not like I expected at all. Looking forward to seeing what he has planned, and where Alex and Anne’s relationship will end up as well.
Also, Blinky is awesome. 😀
Loved it, as per usual. Keep em coming!
Ordered my copy! Looking forward to reading it 🙂
Loved it, read it in a day and as usual left with wanting more! Please don’t stop writing these brilliant stories, I look forward to them all year. They are simply one of the very best urban fantasy series I have ever read.
Got this today and have just finished-it was bound to happen! Now another agonising wait, so I’ll probably reread the series a few times over again! Terrific books, you really have the imagining of magic systems and all the things that come with them down to a fine art.
So, Sagash: Was he a big fan of Ico, the game. Castle by the sea, windmill with a bridge at the top, shadow creatures? Hmmm?
Look at the box cover. I mean Sagash even has an eight-sailed windmill, for flips sake!
Or do you not have faintest clue what I’m wittering on about 🙂
Back again. I mean, second para of the wiki: “The Queen plans to use
Anne’sYorda’s body to extend her own lifespan.” I don’t think you even have to answer my question.Anyhoo, keep up the good work.