An Inheritance of Magic in Germany

Some good news for this week!  My German publishers, Blanvalet, have made an offer to publish a German translation of the first books of my new series.

At the moment Blanvalet are still working through their backlog of Alex Verus books – they’ve been publishing the translated German editions at a rate of two per year.  Volume 9, Marked (whose German title is Der Geist von London), came out in February, and the translated version of Volume 10, Die Verdammten von London, will be coming out in July.  Book 12 is scheduled to be released in the spring/summer of 2024, at which point, having caught up with my old series, they’ll move on to the new one.  Their plan is to put them out about a year after the English versions, so the German translation of An Inheritance of Magic should be released in autumn/winter 2024, and the German translation of book 2 in 2025.

The Alex Verus series has done amazingly well in Germany, so I’m very happy to have the new series come out there so quickly as well.  Hopefully it’ll be as popular as its predecessor!

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4 Responses to An Inheritance of Magic in Germany

  1. Celia says:


  2. Celia says:

    Awesome covers btw, especially #9. I know it’s outside your control, but still hoping they get translated into Spanish one day, so I can read them to improve my Spanish. 😉

  3. K says:

    That‘s great news for all your fans in germany!

  4. B. says:

    That’s really good news!
    Still, I hope you can forgive me for reading your books in English. I feel I do have to work on my language skills, and I just can’t wait for the translation. Since book 3 or 4 of the Alex Verus series, I usually preorder them so I can read them as soon as they’re published.
    As Celia, I love the covers of the german translation, though. (Alas, I am not entirely convinced of the titles, but that doesn’t change the quality of what’s inside, and the translation itself is really good, too – I read the first book in German before starting to order them in English.)

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