Plans for September

Book #3 is finally done, just in time for the end of the summer!  Now that I’ve had a week or so to take a break, here’s what’s coming up this September.

First job on my to-do list is editing Inheritance of Magic #3.  I like to give my first drafts one final edit before sending them off to my editors, and that’s what I’m doing now.  It should take a week or so, after which I can package up the files, send them to my publishers, and then put the book completely out of my mind for a month or two until I get the first-round edits back.

Next thing I’d like to do is update the website a little – the Inheritance of Magic section hasn’t been touched since last year, and I’d like to make it look a bit more like the Alex Verus section, with proper subheadings and links to the extracts and individual books, as well as the Beginner’s Guide to Drucraft series.  Speaking of Beginner’s Guide to Drucraft, it’s been a long time since I’ve done any of those articles, so I think I’ll try and put out a couple of them this coming month, focusing on Light essentia and Light sigls.

We’re also getting closer and closer to the October 15th release of An Instruction in Shadow, and I’ll be releasing Chapter 2 of the book two weeks from today, on Friday 13th September.  This’ll be the last extract – if you want to read the rest, you’ll have to wait for the full release!

And finally I’ll try to get caught up on all the jobs that I’ve let slide over the past couple of months while I’ve been exclusively focused on the book – responding to website emails, doing some worldbuilding work, etc.  September should be a busy month, but it’ll still be a lot easier than writing that book!

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6 Responses to Plans for September

  1. Jim Sackman says:

    Started my re-read of Inheritance of Magic in preparation for Instruction in Shadow. Any thoughts from fans (Benedict you can comment but I don’t think you should) on any parts that I should pay particular attention to?

  2. Bill says:

    Good luck with the final edit and even better luck for when the edits come back from the external reviewers. From the time taken do I guess correctly that finishing off Book#3 took a little longer than expected?
    I hope that you can get some ‘relax’ time before the edits come back again and the cycle all kicks off again. I’m sure that website reorganisation can wait a bit but I have to say that the chapter #2 release is eagerly awaited!

  3. Kayla says:

    I’m very excited, the first chapter is excellent! Thank you for releasing it!

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