An Inheritance of Magic – Kindle Deal 4th August

Advanced notice that An Inheritance of Magic is scheduled to be a Kindle Deal of the Day on 4th August – it should be available for only $2.99.  Not sure if this’ll apply outside of the US and Canada.  I haven’t had it confirmed that it’ll be on the 4th, but I figured I should probably post it a couple of days in advance just to be on the safe side.

First draft of Book 3 is in its final stages.  Still hoping to finish around the middle of this month.

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An Instruction in Shadow – Signed First Editions

We’re now a bit under three months away from the release of An Instruction in Shadow, the sequel to An Inheritance of Magic.  Which means it’s time for me to sign some copies!

Just as with An Inheritance of Magic, Orbit UK have arranged a signed edition deal with The Broken Binding.  There’ll be 500 signed hardback copies of An Instruction in Shadow sold via their website (orders and pre-orders aren’t available as yet, but I’ll let you know when they are).  Of course, before they can sell them, I have to actually sign them . . .

. . . which takes a surprisingly long time.  I remember thinking when I did this last year that now I understood why doctors and accountants end up with such illegible signatures.

In the meantime, I’m working away on Book 3.  It’s currently up to around 80,000 words and I’m on the last section – I’m hoping to finish in about 3 weeks.  I’ve got several more Beginner’s Guide to Drucraft posts planned, but finishing the book takes priority, so I’m unlikely to write any more worldbuilding posts until the book is done.

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An Instruction in Shadow – UK cover reveal

The UK cover for Inheritance of Magic #2, An Instruction in Shadow, is out!  Here it is:

UK release date is unchanged:  15 October 2024.

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Midsummer Update

We’re about halfway through July, so here’s a quick update on how things are going!

Inheritance of Magic #3 is now up to 75,000 words and pretty close to its end.  I’m currently expecting the full manuscript to come in between 80,000 and 90,000 words, meaning that I should only have two or three chapters to go.  I’m not sure exactly how long it’ll take to finish, but I’m pretty confident I’ll be able to hit my personal deadline of getting the book done some time in August.  Once that’s done I’ll send it off and finally take a break!

An Instruction in Shadow is now only three months from release.  As usual, I’ll release some extracts early – I’ll probably release Chapter 1 in early August and Chapter 2 in early September.  We’ve also got a finished version of the UK cover ready to go.

My next project for the Beginner’s Guide to Drucraft series will be a mini-series on the branches – Light, Matter, Motion, etc.  This isn’t very ‘mini’, though – it’s an absolutely huge subject, so it’ll probably take me a while to make any major progress on it.

And that’s it for now.  Priority #1 for the next few weeks is finishing the current book, so posting on this blog is likely to be light for the next month or so.

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Risen hits the Spiegel bestseller list

As some of you may remember, Alex Verus #12 (Risen in the UK, Der Retter von London in its translated version) was just released in Germany.  And it seems as though it’s done very well, as it’s debuted at Number 4 on the Spiegel bestseller list!

Thanks to all of my German readers who’ve stuck with the Alex Verus series for all this time and pushed its sales ranking so high – I hope you enjoy the Inheritance of Magic series too!

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DragonCon Online Interview

Inheritance of Magic 3 is coming along, and up to 70,000 words.  Still aiming to be done by the end of the summer.

In the meantime, I did an online interview with Carol Malcom, from DragonCon’s Urban Fantasy track.  You can watch it here!

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A Beginner’s Guide to Drucraft #21:  Sigl Creation (Tracing)

Tracing means creating a sigl with the aid of a limiter.  It was a niche and rarely-used technique through most of human history, but advances made in the 19th and 20th centuries caused its popularity to soar.  Nowadays, the vast majority of sigls are made via tracing.


A limiter is a tool made to assist shapers in the creation of one particular model of sigl.  There are many different designs of limiter, with varying levels of size, cost, complexity, and portability, but the most common types, used by Houses and corporations for the mass-production of low- to medium-power sigls, are about the size of a small backpack.

Although limiters can be (and are) built so as to look quite different from one another, they all work in basically the same way.  A limiter uses low-grade aurum inlaid into a framework to create a warding field that shapes any essentia channelled into it, ‘limiting’ the possible configurations by forcing the essentia to take a specific form.  If manifestation is like drawing freehand, a limiter is like using a stencil – so long as the shaper uses the limiter correctly, the sigl should always form exactly the same pattern.  Using a limiter is thus much more consistent than free manifestation.  If the same shaper uses the same limiter at 10 different Wells, you can reasonably expect to get 10 almost-identical sigls.

Comparing a limiter to a stencil makes it sound easier than it actually is.  The shaper still has to gather the essentia from the Well and channel it into the limiter for the limiter to do its job.  Also, a limiter can’t help much with the final stage of the shaping progress, where the shaper condenses the essentia construct to form the actual sigl.  A limiter is thus a very useful tool, but still demands a certain minimum amount of shaping skill.

However, a limiter does make it much easier to shape and reinforce the initial essentia construct, and this is important since the construct is the most common place for things to go wrong.  Usually, if a sigl doesn’t work, it’s because the shaper made some sort of mistake at the construct stage – either they got the design wrong, or they got the design right but didn’t reproduce it correctly.  By guiding the shaper in such a way as to create exactly the same construct every time, limiters prevent this from happening.  As a result, the failure rate from traced sigls is vanishingly low – usually no more than 1 or 2 percent, which is vastly smaller than the failure rate of free manifestation.

Creating a Limiter

Limiters consist of three parts:  the frame, the receptacle, and the tracing.  The frame provides the structure of the limiter, and is typically made from metal or plastic (wood is sometimes used for some higher-quality designs).  The receptacle’s purpose is to hold the wielder’s sample (usually blood) – since limiters are intended for mass production, they’re almost always designed on the assumption that the shaper and wielder will be different people.

The tracing on a limiter is the most important part, as well as the most expensive.  It’s made out of low-grade aurum, shaped by the framework into a pattern of lines that direct essentia flows.  These lines are typically very thin, but even so, the amount of aurum required to make a full-sized limiter is significant.  It was for this reason that, for most of human history, limiters were seen as unviable.  Yes, they could make it easier to make a sigl, but if you had to drain two full-sized Wells (or a dozen smaller ones) to make the limiter, it was hardly worth it.  In the nineteenth century, however, new techniques were developed that changed the equation.  Drucraft researchers discovered ways to make a limiter without using Well-grade essentia – you could make one patchwork, out of lesser Wells and free essentia, and it could work just as well.

The amount of aurum that can be extracted from lesser Wells and from free essentia, though, is very small.  This makes limiters slow to create, which in turn makes them expensive – shapers aren’t as rare as manifesters, but they’re not common, either, and if you need a team of shapers to put in a collective 1,000 hours of work to make a limiter, there’s really no way to do that on the cheap.  In practice, the cost to create a limiter to make a particular sigl is usually quite a bit higher than the cost of just buying that sigl on the open market.  Limiters are thus only worth it if you’re planning to make a lot of copies of that particular sigl.  And, like all aurum, the tracing in limiters sublimates over time, meaning that once you’ve got your very expensive limiter, you’d better get going and start making use of it, because you’ve only got a certain number of years before it stops working.

Limiters in the Modern Day

Despite these drawbacks, limiters in the 20th century experienced a surge in popularity, eventually eclipsing manifestation.  Before, only manifesters could create sigls – now, anyone with enough skill to use a limiter could do it, and the second group was many times bigger than the first.  The result was a sharp growth in sigl production.  Instead of having to negotiate with a manifester to get a sigl custom-made, you could order one out of a catalogue and be confident in what you were getting.  Nowadays, bespoke products are often considered luxury items, but this is largely an artifact of mass production – ‘custom-made’ can also mean ‘made very badly’.  As it turned out, most people prefer the security of knowing for sure that their new, very expensive purchase is actually going to work.

Manifestation never completely went away, though, and almost certainly never will.  Some people still want custom-made sigls, either because the type of sigl they’re looking for is rare, or because they want every bit of performance they can get.  Mass production doesn’t make sense for all things.

Advantages of Tracing

  • Reliability:  Traced sigls almost always work.  Unless the shaper makes some catastrophic mistake at the final stage, there’s basically no way for a traced sigl to come out nonfunctional.
  • Consistency:  Traced sigls are very predictable, without the variation and quirks of manifested sigls.
  • Economies of scale:  It’s much cheaper to mass-produce traced sigls than manifested ones.
  • Ease of use:  A shaper doesn’t actually need to know how a limiter works to use it, meaning that it’s much, much quicker to train a shaper to the point where they can use a limiter than it is to train them up to the point where they can manifest a sigl on their own.

Disadvantages of Tracing

  • Inflexibility:  A traced sigl is always exactly the same.  If the customer wants something slightly different from the stock model, then they’re out of luck.
  • Lower average power:  Traced sigls are never quite as strong as they could be.  For example, if your limiter is designed to produce sigls with a carat weight of exactly 3.0, but the Well you’re using has enough essentia to make a sigl with a carat weight of 3.5, then those last 0.5 carats are getting wasted.  It’s possible to modify a traced sigl as you’re making it, altering its parameters to better suit the resources available to you, but this requires a level of skill not much below being a manifester.
  • Requires a limiter:  You can’t trace without a limiter, and making limiters is difficult and expensive.  In practice, this makes tracing out of reach for most private individuals – almost all limiters are owned by drucraft organisations that reserve them for their own exclusive use.  In addition, not all sigl designs have limiters in active circulation.  If you want a specific type of traced sigl that no-one’s currently making limiters for (probably because there’s not enough demand for it at the moment), or if the only people who happen to own those particular limiters aren’t willing to let you use them . . . then too bad.
Posted in A Beginner's Guide to Drucraft | 12 Comments

Risen in Germany, and DragonCon Interview

Several bits of news for this week!

First, as you may have already guessed from the image, the twelfth and final Alex Verus book is at last being released in its German translation this coming week (Monday 17th June for the audio edition, Wednesday 19th June for the print and ebook versions).  This marks the end of a long journey for the German edition – Blanvalet have been producing the translations for years now, and they’ve finally finished working their way through the backlog.  Thanks to all of my German readers who’ve been supporting the series, and I hope you enjoy the final volume!

I’m also doing an interview for DragonCon this summer – I won’t be able to make it to the convention itself (still trying to finish Inheritance of Magic #3) but I’m doing a virtual interview for the Dragon Con Urban Fantasy Track.  The interview itself is scheduled for next week – I don’t know when the video will be released, but I’ll post a link up once it is.

We’re also starting to get into the run-up to the release of Inheritance of Magic #2, An Instruction in Shadow.  My current plan is to release the first two chapters online prior to the book’s release in October – Chapter 1 will go up in August, and Chapter 2 in September.  I’ll put up exact dates closer to the time.

And that’s all for now!  Next week is another Beginner’s Guide to Drucraft post, this one on the subject of tracing and limiters.

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A Beginner’s Guide to Drucraft #20: Sigl Creation (Manifesting)

Sigls are created through the third of the drucraft disciplines – shaping.  Shaping is the art of manipulating free essentia (typically, though not always, in a Well) and causing it to crystallise into a piece of solid essentia, otherwise known as aurum.  If the shaping is successful, this piece of aurum is known as a sigl.

Shaping sigls nowadays is done in one of two ways:  tracing (i.e. shaping with a limiter) and manifesting.  This chapter will cover manifesting, while Chapter #21 will cover tracing.


Manifesting (otherwise known as free shaping) is the original and oldest method of shaping a sigl.  The shaper goes to a Well, draws out the essentia, and crystallises it into a sigl.  To anyone watching, it looks as though the shaper is ‘thinking’ the sigl into being.  They visualise the shape of the sigl, then use the essentia from the Well to make it manifest, hence the name.

Manifesting gives a shaper absolute freedom – they can quite literally shape the essentia into whatever they like.  This freedom, however, is a double-edged sword.  It gives the shaper infinite ways to design a sigl, but also gives them infinite ways to get it wrong, and there are many more ways to design a sigl that doesn’t work than there are to design one that does.

Manifesting can be best compared to freehand drawing or painting.  It’s very easy to do badly, and very hard to do well.  To get good at it, a shaper has to spend a lot of time practising and developing secondary skills, including, but not limited to:  the ability to shape lines of essentia neatly and precisely, the ability to keep essentia out of certain areas, the ability to stabilise the entirety of an essentia construct while focusing on a single part of it, and the ability to do all those things while still drawing in more essentia to build the sigl.  Most importantly of all, the would-be-manifester needs to have excellent sensing skills.  A basic ability to feel essentia is not enough – a manifester needs to be able to sense individual strands finely enough that they can tell when and where they’ve made a mistake.  Otherwise, it’s virtually guaranteed that they’ll end up with a nonfunctional sigl.

Achieving proficiency in all of these things is very difficult, and requires months or years of dedicated study.  Most who try to become manifesters fail, and even those who succeed invariably only do so after many botched attempts.  Essentia constructs help, but even so, there isn’t a manifester in the world who hasn’t got to where they are without at least a few total failures.

History of Manifesting

In the old days, all (or nearly all) sigls were created by manifesting.  It’s the default method used when people have nothing else to draw upon, and it’s still the fallback option today.

However, in the 20th century, the tracing approach saw a massive rise in popularity, overtaking and supplanting its rival.  Nowadays, manifesting is relatively rare, to the point that there are drucrafters (particularly ones in the corporate ecosystem) who’ve never set hands on a manifested sigl in their entire lives.

Nevertheless, manifesting still commands a certain prestige.  Calling yourself a manifester gets attention in the drucraft world – there’s a reason no-one ever calls themselves a ‘tracer’.  Even if isn’t the most cost-effective or practical way to shape a sigl, simply being able to manifest effectively announces that you’ve reached a very high level of shaping skill.  Also, the more powerful a sigl, the more likely that it was created via manifestation . . . and while powerful, custom-made sigls are rare, people are naturally going to find them a lot more impressive than mass-produced weaker ones.

Advantages of Manifesting

  • Flexibility:  Great scope for customisation and adjustment.  A sigl can be created at any level of strength, at any size, and with any essentia requirement or attunement ratio, and these can be adjusted on the fly to better match the Well that the manifester is using or the wielder that they’re shaping for.
  • No equipment required:  A manifester needs themselves, a Well, and enough time to work.  Nothing else.
  • Power:  A manifester is free to make a sigl as powerful as they possibly can, using all the essentia available.  As a result, manifested sigls are, on average, slightly stronger than traced ones.

Disadvantages of Manifesting

  • Unreliability:  The freedom of manifestation has major drawbacks, namely that if the manifester makes a big enough mistake, the sigl will fail completely, wasting some or all of the Well’s essentia.  This rarely happens if the manifester knows what he’s doing, but small quirks and weird unusual flaws are quite common.
  • High skill floor:  It takes years to train a manifester, and the supply of expert manifesters never meets the demand.  As a result, experienced manifesters usually charge very high prices for their services.
  • Burden on the manifester:  To make a sigl, a manifester must have a good understanding of how that sigl works.  Training and guidance can help, but a manifester can never just ‘follow the instructions’ and avoid doing the work entirely.
Posted in A Beginner's Guide to Drucraft | 5 Comments

Spring into Summer

Quick update on how things are going:

• First draft of Inheritance of Magic #3 is now 2/3rds finished.  I’m hoping to finish the last 1/3rd with about another 2 months of work, meaning that it’ll be done by the end of July.  A little past my deadline, but not too far.  In any case, barring any disasters it’ll definitely be done by the end of summer.

• Next on the to-do list for the Beginner’s Guide to Drucraft is (1) limiters and (2) a more detailed overview of the branches and the effects that can be produced with them.  Number (2) is a pretty huge topic, so I don’t know if I’ll do it all in one go – might do a couple of branches, then take a break and do something else.  Currently planning to do the limiters article for next week’s post.

• The UK cover for Inheritance of Magic #2, An Instruction in Shadow, is nearly ready for release!  I’ve looked at the early drafts and really like it – currently just waiting for Orbit UK to do their official cover launch, at which point I’ll post it up here.  Release date is about four months from now, in October 2024, and I’ll put up at least one extract in the summer.

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