Just finishing up the copy-edits for book #9, Marked. They’re close to done at the time of writing, so by the time you read this, they might very well be complete. Copy-edits are the last point at which I make significant changes to the book: once they’re done, the version I send back to my publisher is 99% identical to the version you’ll have in your hands when it finally comes out. (If you’re curious as to what copy-edits are, I wrote about it here.)
Copy-edits take a while to do, but fortunately they’re relatively easy work and much less stressful than writing or rewriting. I’ve enjoyed doing them this time – it’s been fun to read back through Marked and see the changes. I think you guys should enjoy reading this one once it comes out!
Release date for Marked is July 5th 2018 in the US and UK.